Newburg Village subdivision is located in Boone County. You can update your voter registration through the Boone County Clerk’s office, 1212 Logan Avenue, Suite 103, Belvidere. Hours are 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and the phone number is 815-544-3103.
If you are not currently registered to vote, you can register at a number of sites in Boone County, including:
To be eligible to register to vote, a person must be a U.S. Citizen; be 18 years of age as of the next election and reside in the precinct for 30 days prior to the next election. Naturalized citizens must provide the name of the court where naturalized, state and date of naturalization.
Our polling place is Belvidere 15, which is located at the Keen Age Center, 2141 Henry Luckow Lane, Belvidere.